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GenRad 228x / Teradyne TestStation 

 Programming Services

bullet In-Circuit, Cluster, Functional, or Combinational Test Solutions
bullet On-Board Programming of ISP, Flash, and EEPROM devices (Static and Dynamic)
bullet Module Level and Board Level Boundary Scan
bullet BIST and Functional Selftest
bullet Unique BackPlane Test Solutions
bullet Test Xpress
bullet Panel and Dual Well Testing
bullet Design for Testability Evaluations
bullet Custom Model Development
bullet On-Site Installation and Support
bullet Remote Site Support
bullet Fully Guaranteed Test Solutions

       Test Equipment

TesTeradyne TS87L, 7168 Nodes, with DSM, AFTM, and FTI

      ICT Solutions, Inc has working relationships with numerous Fixture providers. Technology ranges from long wire to wireless and vacuum to pneumatic. We will happily choose the best match for your application or use the provider and technology of your choice.

     Our highly trained staff has experience with all board sizes and types from 20 nodes to 20K nodes.


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Last modified: 9/13/2010.